Explore the mystery of your former lives, the kind of person you were, the soul level reason you came into this world, and the unresolved past life emotional patterns that are blocking the full expression of your totality this lifetime. You will also discover how the innate talents, skills, abilities, beliefs and assets you brought to this world are the very tools that your soul gave you to help you evolve and fulfill your true life purpose. Paul will reveal how your current life experiences are the direct result of the unresolved emotional patterns, expectations, and preferences you developed in prior lifetimes, as well as the early part of this lifetime. Find out which of these past life habits and patterns support the fulfillment of your Soul Purpose, and which ones hinder it. Uncover the unresolved emotional issues your soul wants you to heal in the coming year, as well as the major roles, talents, skills and abilities it wants you to develop over the next 3 to 5 years, plus your power cycles.
2 Hours $280
After placing your order, please read the information on the "How to Prepare" page, and fill out and Submit the "Client Contact Form" at the bottom of that page.
Explore the mystery of your current life and the soul level reason for what you're experiencing right now. Yearly Soul Purpose update sessions reveal what your soul has created for you in the current year to support your emotional, psychological and spiritual evolution, as well as the new talents, skills, abilities, roles, and assets your soul wants you to develop that support your true life's purpose. Paul will help you see new emotional patterns you have developed that are blocking your soul evolution and your emotional fulfillment. He will also reveal how your current perceptions of self are actually attracting what you are trying to eliminate in your life, which then block the fulfillment of your life's purpose. He will help you uncover all the emotional habits and patterns that are keeping you from being truly free to experience the magic, mystery and miracle of your life. He will also reveal the new and exciting energy cycles your soul has created for you in the coming years.
2 Hours $280
After placing your order, please read the information on the "How to Prepare" page, and fill out and Submit the "Client Contact Form" at the bottom of that page.
Uncovering the mystery of human relationship is very challenging even for the most experienced therapists. Why human beings are attracted to one person and not another is far more complex than we realize.
HINT: it's way more than your physical chemistry...
Every relationship we enter into is a mirror and wonderful metaphor for the unresolved past life emotional patterns we haven't healed or released yet. Until we heal our old wounds, we will continue to attract the very people we need to trigger those unresolved issues. This endless spiral continues until we have learned to forgive and love ourselves unconditionally. Only then will we attract that special person who loves us unconditionally.
Compatibility sessions reveal things about your partner that might have taken you years to realize, and this doesn't even include the emotional impact they may have on your life.
You will discover whether your life paths compliment or contradict one another. You will learn what buttons you push in each other to help you both evolve? See how your innate energy patterns flow together, so you can enhance one another's heart, soul purpose and spiritual journey in life. Find out how to work cohesively with your business partners on special events, projects and new ventures.
2 Hours $280
Explore where you have been before in other lifetimes. Soul Journey work is not only about who we were, but it is also about the energy we have left behind, and where that energy was expressed in the world. Soul location mapping reveals specific areas in the world that once held significance for you in previous lifetimes. Living in, or even visiting these areas can have a profound impact on you, because it can reactivate innate talents, skills, abilities, and even roles you once played in those areas. On the other hand, many areas of the world can resurrect painful memories of past life traumas, unresolved emotional conflicts, as well as psychological patterns or issues that continue to impede your evolution. Explore what previous life energies you may resurrect when you visit or move to various locations in the world.
NOTE: These sessions are usually done fairly close to a Soul Life Purpose or Yearly Soul Update session, so Paul can compare your soul energy lines with your current soul purpose indicators.
1.5 Hours $240
The Follow-Up buttons below are for exploring previous soul purpose sessions in greater depth. These sessions are not for adding another year of Emotional and Developmental Soul Purpose Cycles beyond the time span of a previous session. You need to order a brand new session for that purpose.
(see below)
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