Sessions can usually be booked one to three weeks after you place your order, unless Paul is traveling or he did not receive an order notice from PayPal. He can't begin looking for a time slot for you until you Place An Order and submit a Client Contact Form (below), with at least three specific dates and times that work for you in the coming weeks. If you don't hear from Paul within a week, do not assume the worst, for he may not have found your order or contact form. Instead, send him a brief email to let him know that you have placed an order. If no answer, try using a different email address, so he can begin looking for a time slot for you.

Ps. The email confirmation you receive from PayPal is your purchase receipt. It will appear on your bank statement or credit card account, as Journey of the Soul, Soul Cycles, or Cycles Research Services, LLC, which is Paul's business name.


Paul shares a large amount of information during  sessions, which is why his appointments are in 2-hour blocks of time: Mon 4-6 pm, Tue-Thu 10-12 2-4 4-6, Fri 10-12 ET. Georgia is on the east coast, so the appointments he offers you will be either EST or EDT time, so you will need to adjust your starting time to your local time zone.

For example, if Paul books your appointment for Tues 10:00 am EST, you need to be ready by:

9:00 am if you live in Central Time (CST).
8:00 am if you live in Mountain Time (MST).
7:00 am if you live in Pacific Time (PST). Or,
4:00 pm if in Western European Time (WET).
5:00 pm if in Eastern European Time (EET)

Please place your order at least 48 hours before your session day!

Live sessions give you an opportunity to interact with Paul and guide your session in specific directions that interest you, so you can focus on recent issues that have been troubling you, or clarify emotions that pop up during the two hour session. It helps if  you arrange all 4 session charts on your computer display so you can quickly flip through them during the session. These charts not only reveal the amazing skills, talents, and abilities you brought to this world, but they also reveal the unresolved emotional issues which are blocking your progress and fulfillment in life. It's a good idea to bring a notepad, pens or pencils so you can take copious notes in case Zoom or Skype's built-in recorder doesn't work.

Tip: Sessions seem to run smoother when my clients have read through the "What to Do & Expect" list below. It also helps to work in a quiet room, with no chance for interruptions from family members, friends, co-workers, contractors, or even pets.


He prefers audio only for several reasons: One, recording both audio & video at the same time requires a lot more bandwidth, which increases the likelihood of a system wide crash and losing everything that has been recorded. Two, Paul is clairaudient, so he finds visual information a bit distracting when trying to hear messages from a client's soul. Three, Paul wants you to feel as comfortable as possible during your Soul Life Purpose session, for the more relaxed you are, the easier it is for him to tune into your soul's energy. Hence, you don't need to get dressed up for your session.

Tip: Always plug your headset, microphone, into your desktop, laptop or notebook computer, and/or turn on your Airpods before turning on your desktop, laptop, or notebook computer so that Skype or Zoom will recognize them when your computer boots up. 

When you record the session on your end, you will have an immediate copy of everything Paul has shared with you. To activate your Zoom recorder, let Paul know that you would like to record your session and he will click the authorize button on his end. Once he does that you will be able to activate the recorder. Zoom can be download and installed on most devices in only a few minutes, plus Zoom calls are free!

Note: Paul will send you a Zoom Meeting ID and Passcode in the hour before your session begins. He doesn't send Zoom invites, so you need to install Zoom on your computer, laptop, tablet or pad.


                            "What To Do"

Skimming through the following will help insure a more successful session with Paul. 

  • PLACE an ORDER and submit a CLIENT CONTACT FORM! Paul can only look for a time slot for you after you have done the above and have given him several dates and times you are available in the next few weeks. His 11 weekly time slots are Mon 4-6 pm, Tue-Thu 10-12, 2-4, 4-6, or Fri 10-12 ET. Since he doesn't have a personal secretary who can chat with you over the phone about possible times, he relies on you to give him at least three dates and times that work for you. He will let you know by email which one of the times you gave him match an opening in his calendar. Please confirm the time still works for you asap. If he does not hear back from you the same day, he will assume that match no longer works and will offer it to someone else. If you don't give Paul any dates & times to work with, he won't do anything until he hears from you.

    Once you have accepted a time slot by email, Paul will automatically hold it for you and require no further confirmation. 
    If you need to postpone for any reason, please let him know at least 48 hours beforehand so he will have time to find a replacement. Submitting a Client Contact Form is the only way Paul will have all the information he needs to determine your Soul Purpose, Soul Paths, Soul Timing, Soul Energy Lines, and reveal the unresolved emotional patterns that are interfering with your material success, as well as mental, emotional and spiritual health in life. Much of the above is derived from the location of your current residence as well as your birth information.
  • MONITOR YOUR INBOX during the two hour preparation time before your session begins, in case Paul runs into a problem with the information you've provided. Most questions arise during the prep time, so if he can't reach you to clarify information, he won't be able to complete the preparation of your 4 charts and will have to postpone your session. You will incur a rescheduling fee for the lost session time.

  • VERIFY YOUR BIRTH INFORMATION with documentation such as a baby book, family photo album, hospital wrist bracelet, certified birth certificate  that shows the time, date and location of your birth. Transfer copies rarely show birth times. Paul learned from decades of doing this work that parent memories are the least reliable source for obtaining accurate birth times so don't even go there. Make sure you select AM or PM when you enter the time of birth on your contact form below. If you don't have any documentation, let Paul know immediately, so he can help with this!

    Technology has made it easier to locate one's full birth information. In fact, most clients have been able to find certified birth information online at their city, county or state Bureau of Vital Statistics. Hospitals usually retain birth records for 5 to ten years before transferring them to the city, county or state bureaus. An accurate birth time is the most important piece of information you can give Paul for it's what he needs to determine your True Soul Purpose in life, and it differentiates you from all other souls born that same day.

  • PROCURE A QUIET ROOM, without interruptions from family members, pets, contractors, bosses, co-workers, and outside noises. Extraneous noises are distracting and can interfere with Paul's ability to receive direct messages from your soul during a session. It helps to arrange all four session charts on your computer display, so you can flip through them during the session.

  • YOU CAN NOW RECORD YOUR OWN SESSION and have an immediate copy after your session ends using Skype or Zoom. Turn off Skype or Zoom's video feature for Paul finds visual information distracting when listening for direct messages from your soul. If you would like Paul to store a safety copy of your session in a secure backup drive, choose Skype for it automatically leaves a copy of your audio file in his account after you stop the recording. 70% of his clients prefer using Skype for that reason, plus they do not need to create a Meeting ID & Passcode for every session, there are no time limits, and best of all Skype-to-Skype calls are always free. 


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